
My "Slice of Life" Tuesday (which became Wednesday)

As I begin the school year, I am reminded to be mindful; to take time to just breathe.  The lists on my desk, phone, and computer continue to grow with each passing day as I prepare for students to return to my classroom.  It is easy to get overwhelmed. It is easy to become bogged down. Ready or not, students will come, bringing with them the same excitement and anxiety that we as teachers feel during those first weeks back. As I plow through the perpetual "to do" list that seems like a mobius strip, it feels like I am running around, constantly going back to the same place.  But I realize that all of those 'things' I feel are important are NOT important to students. Inhale, exhale....just breathe after I just spent a summer planning, laminating, copying, researching, reading, prepping, training, and on and on and on. Those things are important, but not as important as connecting and building relationships with students. While that laminated poster may last a...

My "Slice of Life" Tuesday

"Raising children is like being pecked to death by chickens” was a sign prominently displayed in the kitchen at my mother-in-law’s. I remember reading this and being offended by its negative connotation toward children and I did not hesitate to share my feelings with her. She just smirked and there that sign remained, front and center! I did not have any of my own kids at the time. Fast forward about 5 years and along came my first child and all of the excitement that came with that little bundle of joy. I did not know you could love something so much! Three years later came my second bundle and all the wonders that come with having two children. There that sign loomed! I continued to share my dislike of that sign, until… ...the teenage years! I managed the temper tantrums, the “NO” stage, and the “mommy, mommy, mommy” stage. Then came the “why” stage, the “I can do it myself” stage, and the “I am too old for hugs in public” stage. But teenagers?! Nothing prepares you enou...